Cindy CHAO The Art Jewel unveiled these earrings in the 2021 Pink Legacy Legendary Pink Diamond collection, subtly incorporating two extremely rare natural pink diamonds into the "Ribbon Inspired" art theme, with a feminine glow of bright pink. The flowing ribbon flows in the air and gently wraps around the two pink diamonds, like a unveiled gift, conveying a dreamy and romantic heart.
Both natural pink diamonds are teardrop-cut, weighing more than 10ct in total, and have been identified to be the rare Fancy Intense Pink grade, with bright and magnificent pink hues. With the closure of the Argyle mine in Australia in 2020, the global supply of pink diamonds has been greatly reduced, and it is very rare to find large particle pink diamonds that are perfectly matched in color, clarity and shape, and the collection value is increasing.
The designer used rose gold to create two sets of naturally flowing ribbons that blend naturally with the center stone setting to fit the teardrop-cut silhouette of the pink diamond. The gold ribbon is set with brilliant-cut round diamonds of varying sizes on the front, back and side edges, creating a glittering effect, and the concealed prong structure makes the diamond more difficult to set.
Stretching above the ribbon into an elegant bow shape, the texture is light and flexible, and it is subtly integrated into the stud earring structure. The bow is embedded with a curved cut bead in the center, and the full pink color echoes with the pink diamond center stone, becoming the finishing touch of the entire jewelry work.