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Silver&Crystal Jewelry (1047)
The crystals in this category are all crystal from Swarovski .as a wholesale crystal jewelry. Our full range, diverse styles.every can select the one just belong you and your customer.The perfect combination of crystals and sterling silver reflects the noble and fashionable.
crystal bracelet970762US$ 13.38
crystal bracelet970527US$ 19.37
Butterfly crystal Anklets 970802US$ 8.73
Butterfly crystal Anklets 970804US$ 9.79
crystal bracelet970753US$ 12.36
crystal Anklets 970805US$ 9.76
crystal bracelet970748US$ 11.02
crystal bracelet970751US$ 15.00
crystal 3217727US$ 22.72
crystal bracelet970713(8mm)US$ 15.67
crystal bracelet970708US$ 8.01
crystal bracelet970698US$ 12.68
crystal bracelet970690(8mm)US$ 20.95
crystal bracelet970682(8mm)US$ 20.95
crystal bracelet970680US$ 9.07
crystal bracelet970501US$ 9.04
crystal bracelet970679US$ 9.04
crystal bracelet970678(8mm)US$ 20.95
crystal bracelet970740US$ 13.35
crystal bracelet970677US$ 20.42
crystal bracelet970734(8mm)US$ 20.95
crystal bracelet970629US$ 15.49
crystal bracelet970627US$ 21.66
crystal bracelet970623US$ 20.95
crystal bracelet970543US$ 7.80
crystal bracelet970541US$ 7.19
crystal bracelet970513US$ 18.49
crystal bracelet970512US$ 18.49
crystal bracelet970544US$ 12.85
crystal bracelet970649US$ 3.87
crystal bracelet970572US$ 8.21
crystal bracelet970639US$ 40.14
crystal bracelet970672US$ 18.45
crystal bracelet970729(6mm)US$ 15.49
crystal bracelet970728(6mm)US$ 15.49
crystal bracelet970510US$ 15.70
crystal bracelet970590US$ 3.87
crystal bracelet970587US$ 3.87
crystal bracelet970586US$ 3.87
crystal bracelet970658US$ 10.92
crystal bracelet970657US$ 10.92
crystal bracelet970615US$ 16.38
crystal bracelet970613US$ 16.38
crystal bracelet970612US$ 9.24
crystal bracelet970667US$ 13.35
crystal bracelet970666US$ 28.52
crystal bracelet970744US$ 6.67
crystal bracelet970755US$ 8.21
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