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Silver&Crystal Jewelry (1047)
The crystals in this category are all crystal from Swarovski .as a wholesale crystal jewelry. Our full range, diverse styles.every can select the one just belong you and your customer.The perfect combination of crystals and sterling silver reflects the noble and fashionable.
19mm pendant0302036US$ 5.46
20mm Cosmicpendant040204US$ 8.98
20mm Cosmicpendant040205US$ 8.98
20mm Cosmicpendant040206US$ 8.98
20mm Cosmicpendant040207US$ 8.98
20mm Cosmicpendant040208US$ 8.98
18mm heart pendant0902212US$ 5.14
18mm heart pendant0902213US$ 5.14
18mm heart pendant0902214US$ 5.14
20mm cross pendant080210US$ 5.09
27mm pendant030113US$ 8.55
24mm crystal pendent990144US$ 6.28
24mm pendant 3217721US$ 7.62
20mm pendant050208US$ 10.92
20mm pendant050209US$ 10.92
20mm pendant050210US$ 10.92
24mm crystal pendent990142US$ 6.28
24mm crystal pendent990143US$ 6.30
19mm pendant0302037US$ 4.64
19mm pendant0302038US$ 4.64
19mm pendant0302039US$ 4.64
19mm pendant0302040US$ 4.64
19mm pendant0302041US$ 4.64
19mm pendant0302043US$ 4.64
19mm pendant0302044US$ 4.64
22mm crystal pendant 990206US$ 7.11
22mm crystal pendant 990208US$ 7.11
19mm pendant0302045US$ 6.32
19mm pendant0302046US$ 6.32
19mm pendant0302047US$ 6.32
19mm pendant0302048US$ 6.32
19mm pendant0302049US$ 6.32
19mm pendant0302050US$ 6.32
19mm pendant0302051US$ 6.32
19mm pendant0302052US$ 6.32
22mm starfish pendant09050809US$ 5.34
22mm starfish pendant09050810US$ 5.34
22mm starfish pendant09050811US$ 5.34
22mm starfish pendant09050812US$ 5.34
22mm starfish pendant09050813US$ 5.34
22mm starfish pendant09050814US$ 5.34
22mm starfish pendant09050815US$ 5.34
24mm crystal pendent990141US$ 5.78
24mm crystal pendent990140US$ 5.78
24mm crystal pendent990139US$ 5.78
24mm crystal pendent990138US$ 5.78
24mm crystal pendent990137US$ 5.78
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